Fabricación de componentes, piezas y accesorios para vehículos de motor
Productos y servicios
Mecanizado aeronáutico
Fabricación de otros componentes, piezas y accesorios para vehículos de motor
Construcción aeronáutica y espacial y su maquinaria
Fabricación de otros componentes, piezas y accesorios para vehículos de motor
Fabricación de pernos y productos de tornillería
Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles
Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery
The company is engaged in manufacturing, assembly and parts structured mechanisms within the aviation industry and precision machining for other sectors. It was founded in 1957 by D. Eulogio Garcia Peña and it has its registered head office in Spain which specifically based in Umbrete. The company is an industrial firm that caters in manufacturing, assembly and parts structured mechanisms within the aviation industry and precision machining for other sectors. It offers a wide variety of machining technologies with an area perfectly designed and controlled temperature and humidity for honing and lapping machines; tempering vacuum furnace, maturation steels and furnaces for stress relief; mounting of medium and small staff and certified media; and manages workload of the company to meet delivery milestones. The company serves demanding sectors such as aeronautics and automotive; and has heat treatment facilities, such as tempered steel and maturation and assembly of sets as a manufacturing plant.